Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kenn's first softball game

On Tuesday Kennadee had her first softball game! She plays with the town of Gilbert. It is coach pitch for girls 7-9! It was really exciting to watch let me tell you. :) She got to play 1st base, 2nd base, and catcher. The catcher mask was way tooo big and kept falling off her head so they had to stop the game a COUPLE times so I could fix it for her. I thought for sure since the mask was too big her coach wouldn't put her at catcher again but low and behold the next inning she was back at catcher. She did do a really good job throwing that ball back to the pitcher so that had to be the reason he put her there again. So we tried putting her hat on before the mask and that seemed to work a little better but not by much! :) She did a great job and I am very proud of her! We had a hard time keeping Tillman off the field and away from the balls so Cali ended up taking he and Makenna on the playground. They had lots of fun going down the slide. Here are some cute pics from the game and the slide!


Marcie and Holly said...

Good job Kennadee! That's so fun!

The Curry Family said...

yay! That looks like so much fun! I would love to try and catch a game of hers sometime!

Julie said...

Yaye Kennadee! How bout a blog about the wedding so I can see pictures??? : )

Bobby and Shanna said...

Hey rock at being a catcher...Looks like you really like playing...Tillman is about as big as McKenna,they looked like they didn't miss watching the game..Tell me when one of your games are..I'd love to come & watch!!

Bobby and Shanna said...
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