Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jake Graduates

My baby brother Jacob graduated from college on May 10th! He is the first member of our family to graduate college. My parents were able to go back to Jamestown to see him make the walk. I am very proud of my brother and all that he has accomplished. Not only did he graduate but he played football for 4 years in college while maintaining a close to B average. I know that my mom and Cal are especially proud of him as well. Jacob is funny guy who brings laughter, fun, a competitive spirit, and great impersenations where ever he goes. Just ask him for a Nacho Libre, or Billy Madison impression and you will pee your pants it's so funny! I know the future holds great things for Jacob and I love him so much! My sister Mareen and I are so blessed to have 6 wonderful brothers. Congratulations Jacob! You Rock! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.