Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I've been Tagged

Kayla tagged me! Here I go!
10 yrs ago: I was going to Chandler Gilbert Community College and working as a manager at Lady Foot Locker. I met Randy ( my hubby) this year as well!
5 Things on my to Do List:
1. Find a dress to wear to my sister n laws wedding
2. Pick up my glasses
3. Start working out again so I can lose some weight
4. Learn how to cook really really good!
5. Play the guitar
5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Chips and Salsa
2. Apples
3. Trail Mix
4. Chips and Guacamole
5. Cheese Crisps
5 Places I have Lived
1. Mesa, AZ
2. Phoenix, AZ
3. Scottsdale, AZ
4. Gilbert, AZ
5. I haved only lived 4 places
What I Would Do If I was a Billionaire
1. Help my family members ( mom, grandparents, siblings) so they would never have to work again
2. Buy land in AZ and Washington and build two beautiful houses in each state
3. Donate to Cancer Research
4. Have a chef, personal trainer, and personal stylist( hair, makeup, and clothes)
5. Travel everywhere
5 Jobs I have had
1. Coffee Plantation
2. Champs
3. Lady Foot Locker
4. Air Touch Cellular
5. SRP
5 Things People don't know about me
1. I am competitive and love a challenge
2. I LOVE to Read
3. I am a worrier
4. I enjoy cooking
5. I am detailed oriented and really good at remebering how to get somewhere
Ok now I tag, Holly, Marcie, Dena, and Shanna!


Tanya said...
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Kersten said...

I was hopping around on my friends' blogs and found yours!! What a fun blog!

Marcie and Holly said...

Thanks for tagging us! I love hearing about other people but not writing about me!

The Curry Family said...

Great tag...these are always fun to read!

The Curry Family said...

That maccaroni is REALLY yummy, you should have it for dinner! And it's easy to make too! I made my header at

Laura and Jimmy said...

I read twilight. LOVED it. I commented on my blog, but you have to send your email to so I can invite you. I made it private.