Monday, January 28, 2008

Kennadee is 8

Happy Birthday Kenn Dogg!

Kennadee turned 8 on Friday the 25th! I can't believe my daughter is already 8! Time flies. She got to have a sleepover with two of her friends and we had a great time singing karaoke! I think I heard Rhiannan's Umbrella enough times to not want to hear it anytime soon. Especially the part UMBRELLA EH EH EH! :)
Then on Saturday her dad and I took her to see Disney On Ice Princesses! It was really neat! We had a great time. Then we stopped by El Charro to see my brothers who came into town and pick up Tillman. It's nice to have the boys in town and my dad ended up flying down yesterday so it should be a fun couple of weeks. I know Kennadee is on cloud nine with all of her uncles and grandpa Terry here.

Other than that not too much is new in my life. Tillman is about ready to take his first step. He will stand up and act like he is going to take a step but then he just sits down. He is getting huge! At his nine month appt he weighed 23 pounds and was 31 inches. He was 100 % for his height and 85-90 % for his weight. He's a bruiser! He is also very protective of his sister. When anyone goes to mess with her and she starts screaming he starts yelling and screaming at the person! It's hilarious and so cute! (I think he might have his mom's temper.) I will post some of the pics from Kenn's birthday party soon!


Michael and Dena said...

Happy Birthday Kennadee! It sounds like it was a fun party. I cant wait to see the boys on Saturday. It has been along time since I have seen them

The Curry Family said...

Way to go Heidi...we've been waiting for an update! Happy (belated) birthday Kennadee! We will see you all tomorrow!

Kayla said...

I check your blog all the time and was so happy to see an update. Happy bday Kennadee. Tracy and I ended up taking our girls to disney on ice also, it was so good! cant wait to see some of the pics.

Marcie and Holly said...

hope Kennadee had a fun b-day! Can't wait for the pics to posted!