Thursday, May 22, 2008


I have to tell this story because it is way too cute not too! Today was Kennadee's last day of 2nd grade and they had a party day. I called Kennadee around 4:00 like I do everyday and asked her how her day was. This is the conversation......
ME: Hey Kenn what are you doing?
Ken: Watching The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
Me: How was your last day at school
Ken: (very excitedly)Oh mom it was so awesome let me tell you what happened. We played this game where had to throw a ball up in the air and you couldn't drop it and I made it to the finals. Jacob Adam and Drake all got out mom and it was down to just me and Abby. Do you want to know who won?? Guess who won Mom!
ME: Abby????
Ken: NO MOM I WON! I jumped in the air really high and raised my fist after I won, and then mom it was just like in the movies like slow motion Kayla came running over to me and picked me up in the air and twirled me around in the class becuase I was the WINNER!
Me: Laughing so hard I snorted! Like slow motion mom! :)

And just because I don't want to leave Tillman out his new words are OH YEAH! After everything it's OH yeah!

I love kids the do say the cutest things!
I also want to give a thanks to my mom for feeding my husband and my children this whole week why I am working my long days! Thanks mom!


The Curry Family said...

Yay, Kennadee! I'm glad you won! She's so funny, the kids had so much fun playing with her yesterday!